
About Sheetla Public School

Our Motto

Motto of the school is “Passion for Perfection.” Our hope and prayer is that “Sheetla Public School” like a beacon of light will enlighten thousands of students, teachers and parents who come in contact with it by removing darkness of ignorance.

School Environment

A school is like a miniature society where children learn and develop important skills for life. It's a place where kids of all backgrounds come together to explore, discover, and grow. Teachers play a vital role as mentors, guiding students through their educational journey and imparting knowledge in various subjects like math, science, language, and more. But beyond academic lessons, schools also teach children important values like kindness, respect, and responsibility.

In this microcosm of society, students learn to interact with others, make friends, and navigate different social situations. Through group projects, sports, and extracurricular activities, they learn teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. Schools also provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can express themselves, learn from their mistakes, and develop confidence.

Moreover, schools serve as hubs for community engagement, bringing together parents, teachers, and local leaders to support students' education. They organize events, workshops, and parent-teacher meetings to foster collaboration and create a supportive network around the children.

Ultimately, schools play a crucial role in shaping not only students' academic success but also their character, values, and sense of belonging. They prepare children to become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society and make a difference in the world.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To provide secured, loving and caring environment to each pupil.
  2. To lay emphasis on self-discipline and motivation.
  3. Explore and encourage the young minds to be energetic, enthusiastic and full of potential.
  4. Instil in the young ones to serve the society and country.
  5. Excel in education to achieve all round development of a child.

The institution strives for the complete personality development of a child initiating following qualities:-

  1. Development of good habits, social manners and etiquettes.
  2. Practicing simplicity, honesty and integrity in their everyday manner.
  3. Development of a strong character, leadership quality and a deep sense of responsibility.
  4. Channelizing their potentialities through various curricular and co-curricular activities.